Your creature follows him, and starts exploring. The Varakoz refuse to believe this, and they send Yacque away. The Varakoz state they weren't talking to your creature, but to Yacque, who states he is their king. They question the strange creature, called Yacque, about why he is under their sacred tree, and Yacque says to show your creature respect. When your creature destroys all the red meteors (which is hard because the energy from them regrows each other) satyr-like creatures called Varakoz come to the tree. Your creature destroys the red meteor the strange creature is sleeping next to, and the strange creature asks you to find its tribe. The first Kirikat shows you a creature sleeping under a tree, and says all the creatures are too scared to go near it because it appeared when the red meteors appeared.
Using the wings, your creature flies over a gap, and gains access to the Mushroom Grove, where you are shown how to get through certain plants by a red creature called a Kirikat. When evolving wings, one option is to go back to the Mushroom Valley. You can go to two different worlds from here. When you bring it back to Sage (in Ancient Grounds), he gives you wings.

When you make him happy (by destroying red meteors and giving him a Moon Fruit) he gives you an Idol piece. When all the singers are safe, they all start singing, and the crystal containing the Yeti cracks open. The last singer is trapped by bullies, and you'll have to defeat them. When you defeat the Critters, they'll unsuccessfully go back to the nest (One is very weak, and needs a Moon Fruit the second can't pass in the Tuber Tongue path. The Yeti is trapped in a crystal and Grub requests you to find the other Singers. You are met by a singer called Grub, who requests a Moon Fruit. After defeating him, you continue going to the Stoneway. On the way to the Stoneway, you are ambushed by Zarkhator, who recalls your previous encounters on other planets. Later in the game, all worlds become accessible from Ancient Grounds. You can also do several minigames with the combat master, the dance master, sing master, and pose master. After doing that, the Sage tells you to seek the Yeti in the Moonlit Stoneway. In the Ancient Grounds, you meet up with the Sage, who tells you to put the piece on an Ancient Idol. You also have to fight the Spikees so you can use their nest. After curing them, Meejee allows you to go to the Ancient Grounds. Meejee tells you to cure the Spikees, a tribe that are friends with Meejee's Tribe, from the influence of the red meteor. You are told to take the ancient idol parts to the Sage in the Ancient Grounds, but Meejee won't let you. Your creature destroys the meteor, and is rewarded with an ancient idol piece. He misses, but the meteor corrupts the Big Chief. Before you get a chance to talk to him, Zarkhator appears and attempts to crush you with a red meteor. After talking to them, you meet up with the Big Chief of Meejee's Tribe. Your creature finds itself in the Mushroom Valley, where it learns basic living essentials from Meejee and how to fight by another of Meejee's Tribe, Espee. Meejee then takes the egg from the core and takes it to safety, using his newly obtained ability of flight. Meejee suddenly evolves from the blue meteor and he grows wings and spikes on his neck. A creature called Meejee inspects the blue Crystal Meteor, and touches it. The blue meteors then crash with little damage. The red meteors make creatures become corrupted and lose their minds if they go near them. From the core of the red meteor hatches Zarkhator.

The red meteors crash upon the planet causing devastation where they land. Meteors crash into an unnamed planet, and two eggs pop out of meteors located at Creature Beach and the Mushroom Valley. The Crystal Meteors before they hit the planet.